2025 giving campaign
Dear All Saints in the Mountains Family,
We often use the metaphor of journey, speaking of our lives and our faith as our own journeys. This image works well because just as a physical journey takes us from one place to another, a spiritual or life journey takes us from one way of being to another. In this same way, generosity is a journey - it's a practice that we learn and nurture within our hearts, and it changes over time. Perhaps it isn't natural to give away what we have worked hard to acquire or to donate our time without compensation. It takes something as powerful as Love to inspire us to share our time, talent, and treasure with others. This is a journey we make together, a Walk in Love.
Through the gospels we have been brought into a world turned radically upside down, not unlike today's world. In the gospels, laws and customs that had been in place for centuries were challenged, power and dominion questioned, and a culture hemmed in from all sides desperately sought a way forward. What we see in the gospels is that it is not clever politics or force that cause change in society, but the simplest concept of Love. Jesus causes a revolution of thought and heart by daring to reach out to the outcast and teach others to do the same. He walks in love with the marginalized, the poor, the sick, and brings us along with him on his journey.
The most miraculous gift of Love is that it is there within us all along; all we have to do is find it, tap into it, and begin growing. Over the past year the generosity in this congregation has been visible. You care for one another and for the greater Gunnison Valley community as well as the missions and ministries of our church. So we circle back to worship: praising, praying, offering - Walking in Love. These words are an invitation to make an offering because we are motivated by love. I ask your prayerful consideration of how you will Walk in Love with us at All Saints in the Mountains in 2025. Consider the many people who have walked with you, supported you in your faith, and shared their gifts with you. Discuss with the people in your household how God is calling you to share your gifts. Please fill out the online card by selecting “2025 Pledge Form” below at your earliest convenience and know that our walking together with Christ will be in love and gratitude.
With gratitude,