The Reverend Laura Osborne
The Rev. Laura Osborne is a Colorado native. She practiced real estate law for 26 years before leaving to follow God's call to ordained ministry. Laura lives into her ministry vision to feed God's people by offering missional service at food banks, teaching "Kidz in the Kitchen" cooking classes at MetroCaring, and serving meals at Family Promise, Denver, and Winter Nights Shelter, Contra Costa County, CA. Laura has been an active lay leader at Trinity Episcopal Church in Morgan City LA and her sending parish, The Episcopal Church of the Ascension, Denver. At St. Timothy’s, Centennial CO, St. Stephen's, Orinda CA, and St. Gregory’s, Littleton CO, Laura served as seminary/intern.
Laura’s interests outside of church extend to cooking, walking/hiking, gardening and reading. She has been known to fly fish, snowmobile, cross-country ski, downhill ski, snowshoe, skeet shoot, go-cart race, kayak, sail, and nap. She lives with Brian, her husband, and Beowulf, their Corgi. Laura's son, Jack, is a freshman at LSU. Her stepdaughter, Emmie, works at YMCA Snow Mountain Ranch, and her stepson, Zach, works for Action Computers in Denver.
Laura is excited to finally get to live in the mountains as she serves The Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan in Gunnison and All Saints in the Mountains in Crested Butte as their Partnership Vicar. And we are excited to begin this new phase of All Saints' ministry to the people of Crested Butte with her. Welcome, Laura!